Tag Archives: poster

Wiener Städtische original poster art

This is a very proud acquisition for me: it’s the original, hand-constructed artwork that was used to create a mid-century modern Austrian poster, advertising the Wiener Städtische Versicherung (Vienna Insurance Group). I’ve done a little searching, but I haven’t found any of the actual posters; it’s possible that this was never produced, or it might […]

Diagonal, fake Vertigo prop poster

Diagonal: Fake Vertigo Poster?

While I’m on the topic of prop documents, this has been bothering me for months: a while back I was watching TV1, and I saw a poster in the background that looked quite a bit like Saul Bass‘s famous Vertigo one-sheet. The typography is almost identical in style. The colors too. The imagery and composition—same […]

Three Steps Ahead Etsy Store Advertisement - Beer Bottle

Three Steps Ahead on Etsy

I’m really proud to announce the “official” launch of the Three Steps Ahead Etsy Shop, where we are selling a diverse and frequently updated array of vintage goods and graphic design related pieces. Our current listings include: Canvas prints of Three Steps Ahead original designs, such as the “NYC: Isle of Manhattan” poster, derived from […]

Extra Yes Letterpress Poster

Last Saturday at the International Printing Museum, a few of us docents (a group henceforth known as “The Night Shift”) decided to sink our teeth (and our type) into a new poster project. Alyssa put together a kick-ass collection of vintage advertising cuts, focusing on slogans and mostly generic taglines. There are some fantastic “perfume […]