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Colby Poster Printing Co. (Still from 3 Union Shop)

Colby Poster Printing Mini-Documentary

Just had a chance to watch the beautiful 3 Union Shop, a short documentary about the Colby Poster Printing Company, written and co-directed by C. R. Stecyk III of Dogtown fame: I’ve been collecting Colby posters for a few years (they even had a role in inspiring some of my wedding collateral), and I had the […]


Duro Decals Box o’ Typography

The Duro Decals brand, which still exists today, has been knocking out good, wholesome, sturdy display type and lettering (in decal, sign, and stencil form) since 1938. The Chicago-based company begat “Duro Dan,” their quirky advertising mascot, a sort of elvish, mustachioed gnome-like character that touted Duro’s wares during the middle of the 20th century. […]

Wiener Städtische original poster art

This is a very proud acquisition for me: it’s the original, hand-constructed artwork that was used to create a mid-century modern Austrian poster, advertising the Wiener Städtische Versicherung (Vienna Insurance Group). I’ve done a little searching, but I haven’t found any of the actual posters; it’s possible that this was never produced, or it might […]

Diagonal, fake Vertigo prop poster

Diagonal: Fake Vertigo Poster?

While I’m on the topic of prop documents, this has been bothering me for months: a while back I was watching TV1, and I saw a poster in the background that looked quite a bit like Saul Bass‘s famous Vertigo one-sheet. The typography is almost identical in style. The colors too. The imagery and composition—same […]

Three Steps Ahead Etsy Store Advertisement - Beer Bottle

Three Steps Ahead on Etsy

I’m really proud to announce the “official” launch of the Three Steps Ahead Etsy Shop, where we are selling a diverse and frequently updated array of vintage goods and graphic design related pieces. Our current listings include: Canvas prints of Three Steps Ahead original designs, such as the “NYC: Isle of Manhattan” poster, derived from […]