Dan Reisinger Brussels Exposition Poster, 1958
Categories: Inspiration
Just scored this wonderful Dan Reisinger poster on eBay, from the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair. It even came with the original envelope in which it had been mailed to Sarkes Tarzian, Inc. / WTTV in Bloomington, Indiana, from Brussels, Belgium in 1958. According to Wikipedia, Mr. Reisinger won first prize for this poster design for the Palais International de la Science (International Hall of Science). I’ve actually had quite a difficult time finding any other images of this poster anywhere else on the Internet, besides the French version depicted on danreisinger.com. I’m looking forward to learning more about it—but I think the first step is to have it linen-mounted and framed.
Hi Josh,
I’m looking for this poster too.Mind if I ask how much you paid?
Nice webpage !
We have just found several posters from Expo 58 in an old attic in Denmark . The stuff has been there since at least 1967. We have no idea if anyone are interested in this old stuff . Will check about Dan Reisinger which language they are I think we have two big and some small A4 size.
Kind regards